Duets are Back in the Program

Back with in-person lessons in over a year, the natural first thing to do is play a duet! Here is a little moment we captured with Trevor and his student M.

We have really been enjoying the sounds of music in the halls and seeing how much our students have grown during our time away. It brings a lot of joy to watch students eyes light up seeing their teachers and getting to play together.
At this point about a third of our students have transitioned back to in-person lessons, which has helped us navigate learning our new space at Paseo Baptist Church and work out scheduling logistics in preparation for our Summer Lessons. 

Summer Lessons run June 21st - August 7th and we are anticipating a large increase in both in-person lessons and students overall. Much music and much fun will be had as we work to return to and beyond our pre-COVID numbers. 

Thank you to everyone in our community for doing your part to continue to help prevent the spread of COVID and getting vaccinated when you are eligible. You are helping keep our families healthy and safe, and making our in-person lessons a reality. 

Clint Velazquez
Founder / Executive Director
Base Academy of Music
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